Ever had your fishing line tangled and all messed up? That happens from time to time. In the worst case, simply getting rid of the line altogether and replacing it with a new one is the way to go. Or, if you want a new line, removing the old line is the first step. So, […]
Skyway Bridge Fishing Tips For Beginners
Skyway bridge or skyway pier is one of the most sophisticated and easily accessible saltwater fishing piers in the USA. Skyway bridge attracts anglers and tourist’s day and night around the year. If you can manage, visit the bridge. You’ll enjoy it. If you do want to visit, here’s all the things you’ll need to […]
Does Bass Taste Good? Eating Bass Tasty Treat Or Ruthful Regret
“Bass” is one of the well-known and among the most popular game fishes. Thousands of people fish Bass around the year for the fun of it. Though, a big chunk of the catches is released back to the water right after taking a photo. But why is it so? This raises the question, Why don’t […]
How Long Can Bass Live Out Of Water? Catch-N-Release Basics
Since bass is not a particularly favorite fish to many, a big part of the bass anglers prefers to Catch-N-Release the fishes. If you are not going to eat the catch, it is undoubtedly the best option to release the fish. This way it can continue its fish life and do what fishes do. You […]
Why Is Bass Fishing So Popular? The Most Popular Game Fish Of Them All
Fishing is a popular activity in almost all the regions around the world. Nothing beats the thrill of pulling in a fish or even getting a bite after a weeklong office works. One of the most popular games for fishing is bass. But why is bass fishing so popular? Bass is one of the most […]