Truck bed camping is the new way to camp out in the wilderness and explore all that nature has to offer. There is so much cool and inexpensive equipment available these days designed explicitly for this camping method. However, you do not necessarily need all that if you would rather keep the expense low.
The main goal here, after all, is the adventure. With truck bed camping, all you really need is your truck or van. Everything else comes second, but a few important pieces of gear does improve the experience a lot.
In this article, we will take a quick dive into the world of truck bed camping and tell you all you need to know about it so that you can have your own grand adventure.

Truck Bed Camping Methods
As we said, you really do not need a lot of gear for truck bed camping. When it comes to methods, you can go with three different modes of camping depending on your gears and accessories.
High Budget – Camper Shell
Even though we call this a high budget option, the expense with a camper shell is laughably low. In some cases, a camper shell can cost even lower than a ground tent. Despite its cost, it is still the best way to experience true truck bed camping without any hassle.
A camper shell is basically a canopy that goes over the back of your pickup and essentially transforms it into a closed room. The best thing about it is that it offers a permanent solution, and you can find many different shells with excellent features that can elevate your camping experience.
Medium Budget – Truck Bed Tent
For a great truck bed camping experience, all you really need is an excellent truck bed tent. These handy contraptions allow you to set it up on the back of your truck without too much trouble. That way, you have an elevated sleeping platform giving you the perfect truck bed camping experience on a budget.
However, the major issue with this mode is setting up the tent can be a bit frustrating. But if you know how to pitch a tent like a pro this would not be a problem for you at all.
This type of tent is also not meant to be a permanent solution, and you need to take it down when you are done with camping. But if you have a moderate budget, this is the best way to go about it. You can save some money if you buy the camping gear in June. You know, it is the best time to buy camping gear.

Low Budget – Ground Tent
If you have the basic camping gear like tents and totes ready, you can simply pack it up in the back of your truck and head out to camp. You do not necessarily need to spend anything extra specific to camping on your truck bed. Even if you sleep outside the truck, it is still technically truck bed camping.
Once you reach the campsite, park your truck and set the kitchen upon the tailgate. Set up the tent on the ground and enjoy the serenity of camping with your friends. If you are feeling particularly adventurous and want to enjoy the stars, you can even ignore setting up the tent and sleeping on the ground on a sleeping bag.
No Budget – Car Camp
Of course, if you do not have any budget to spend on camping gear, you can fashion the interior of your car into a sleeping bunk. All you need is a set of pillows and a decent sleeping bag or mattress. Make sure you park in a safe spot and leave the windows open just enough to let air pass through.
You should also be careful not to park in a dangerous location. If you do not have tinted glass, you might want to use paper to block out light coming in from the outside. It also adds a bit of privacy inside your truck. Granted, it might not be the most elegant way to camp, but it sure is a practical one.
Safety Tips for Truck Bed Camping
When you are camping on your truck bed, there are a few safety tips you should keep in mind. Not only will it enhance your camping experience, but it will also keep you safe from any trouble.

- You should always keep your food sealed in cans or Ziploc bags to prevent the smell from getting to the animals. And when you are sleeping, it is best to keep food away from your sleeping spots.
- Always keep a can of bear spray.
- Check the weather before heading out to camp. If you are clamping near the mountains, carry warm gears.
- Try not to get wet.
- Always stay hydrated
- If you are camping alone, make sure someone knows of your location and trip before you head out.
Final Thoughts
Truck bed camping is a fun and easy way to enjoy nature and let out your adventurous spirit. We hope our article gave you a clear understanding of everything you need to know about truck bed camping.
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