The best time to buy camping gear is in June. If you want to find discounted prices on camping stuff, this is the best month to do your research. You can also find some good deals in August if you are planning on some last-minute outings.
That being said, it always pays to think ahead when you are planning for a summer camping trip. This data comes from a reliable source. Sara Skirboll, who is a shopping and trends expert at RetailMeNot, says that June is a prime time to find heavily discounted deals on camping stuff.
The primary reason is that Father’s Day is in June, and it’s also a seasonal period to sell camping gear. Only in this month, will you be able to find stronger and more consistent deals on outdoor gear. Some items will have as deep as 50 percent off.
However, that’s not the average data. In this month, most of the outdoor and camping gear will have around a 24 percent discount on average, which is a lot considering the price of camping accessories.

Why Is June The Best Time To Buy Camping Gear?
There are two reasons that make this month the prime time to buy outdoor gear for campers. First of all, Father’s Day is in this month. However, this is just one of the two major holidays that are worth sales. The other one is the Fourth Of July.
This is just the general shopping trend for all items related to camping and outdoor. However, retailers that specialize in selling outdoor equipment such as Cabela’s, Bass Pro Shops, or Dick’s Sporting Goods have a history of offering up to 70 percent discounts on camping gear and tents.
Can I Find Offers In August?
If you do your research properly, you will still be able to find strong offers even late in August if you have already planned your trip and waited until mid-summer. Even in August, chances are you will be able to find deals on camping gear up to 20 percent off.

What’s The Reason Behind Price Cuts?
One of the main reasons for price cuts is the changing weather. The demand for outdoor and camping equipment is very high in the summer. In the middle of the year, the demand for these stuff falls, and so is the price. You can also find a rash of sales in October.
Also, most retailers want to clear up their stock and empty their inventory so that they can stock on newer products. By getting the inventory out of their way, most of them will offer heavy discounts.
Where To Find Good Deals?
As the season comes to a close, you will notice massive price drops. Instead of looking for good deals one by one, you can get smart and let professionals find good deals for you.
Start by browsing sites like Brad’s Deals and RetailMeNot in order to score the best prices. Sites like these should be your go-to places to find saving opportunities and coupons from a variety of stores. You can find all the good deals in one place.
Some popular websites out there exist solely to find good deals and gather them in one place. That’s what they do, all day, all year long. Some go even further and speak to merchants to secure exclusive deals, codes, discount vouchers, free shipping, and all that.
While you can do this on your own, however, the process is really time-consuming, and it’s better to leave it to someone else that does all these things for a living.
Rather than looking for local deals and making your own price comparison, a quick peek at a deal-finding site will save you a lot of time and money. It won’t hurt to shop around if you are looking for something specific.
For a specific product, for example, a 4-season tent, it pays to do your own price comparison. You might find a better deal somewhere else.

How To Find Good Deals On Camping Gears?
Here is a crucial piece of info I found from someone who sells gear for a living. Each retailer will be different when it comes to the time to give a discount on certain equipment like cooking equipment, backpacks, hiking shoes/boots, sleeping bags, and tents.
To a certain point, it’s a matter of judgment call for the retailers. Usually, when the season change, you will find clothing on sale. The same goes for camping products. Products that are for the Fall season usually ship in August/September, whereas Spring products ship in January/February.
After a month or two or overlap, you might find products that are on sale from the previous seasons. Spring is the season when the equipment typically gets updated.
In the fall months, you won’t find any good deals on new or current tents and sleeping bags. The only drastically discounted products that you will be able to find in the fall are tents from the previous season.

How To Find Good Deals On Camping Tents?
There is a trick to find camping tents cheap. If you are not a crazy fan of new items and can make do with slightly older models, you might be able to find tents cheap. The thing is tent manufacturers will update their designs annually.
That’s why in the late winter or early spring, you can find some really good deals on the previous year’s tents. When summer gear starts to get in stock, you can find good deals on winter gear in the spring.
However, for stuff like cook sets and backpacks, as well as other items that aren’t seasonal, there is no fixed time of the year to get discounts on that stuff. You will just have to keep your eye out for good deals on those items.
Also, if you are making major purchases, online platforms might offer you a good deal. If you don’t find products cheap, you will at least find free shipping offers. You can also find a lot of neat stuff on Bass Pro Shop if you have one near you.
You can also find good deals on sites like for products like tents, sleeping bags, gear, camping, and hiking products. They have free shipping; they offer good prices, and you can find a good collection of general gear/clothing.

Final Tips – What Is The Best Time To Buy Camping Gear?
If you are dead set on a specific product from a specific manufacturer, try looking for local deals instead of shopping online. Most of the time, you can get really good discounts straight from the manufacturers. So, if you are thinking about camping on a budget do not ignore the time of discount.
Try to give all your major purchases directly to the manufacturer rather than placing your order on a third-party site. On the other hand, online marketplaces do offer a good collection from different brands.
As for REI, they give out garage sales from time to time. In my opinion, this is one of the best places to get steep discounts. That is if you prefer to use slightly used gears. If you have one nearby, so make sure to check them out.
And that’s all there is to it. Hopefully, you now know the best time to buy camping gear.
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