There are four main causes of hunting incidents. Actually, there are more than four, but if you look at the statistics, you can put all the accidents into four categories. Here are the four main reasons for hunting accidents.

- Mechanical Failure
- Lack of Experience
- Violating Safety Rules
- Hunter Judgement Mistakes
There are four main reasons why hunting-related shooting incidents happen. When you are out hunting, don’t mistake another person for the game. This happens a lot. Hunters are mistaking one another for the game.
Before firing, always check the foreground and the background. Don’t shoot at everything that moves. Now, the second reason is violating safety rules. A lot of hunters don’t follow proper procedures for crossing difficult terrain, a fence, or obstacles.
Also, pointing the muzzle towards a person or in an unsafe direction can lead to hunting incidents. Up next is lack of experience. If I were you, I would stay away from newbie hunters.
Their lack of practice and control can lead to stray shots and accidental discharges. Finally, there is mechanical failure. Improper ammunition or obstructed barrel, you name it.
Data From The National Shooting Sports Foundation
Now that you know the main causes of hunting incidents let us see what the statistics have to say about it.
According to NSSF’s 2007 Industry Intelligence reports, 8.3% of cases are victims out of sight of the shooter. 11.4% of cases are the result of careless handling of a firearm.
12.8% of accidents happened because the shooter kept swinging on the game. And the majority of cases are failures to identify the target. This case alone is 15.5% of all the cases.
Four Main Causes Of Hunting Accidents
Now, why do these accidents happen? Let’s dig down and find the main causes.

1. Not Checking The Firearm Properly
A small defect in your firearm can lead to some pretty nasty accidents. Defective firearms and bows, as well as defective ammunition and arrows, are one of the main causes of hunting incidents.
You must have proper knowledge and expertise to shoot the bow safely and accurately. Lack of examination and preparation can lead to mechanical failures such as improper ammunition and obstructed barrel.
2. Lack Of Control & Care
Your inability to properly handle a firearm can also lead to disaster. Aptitude and skill are a must in the field. There are many cases of hunters stumbling and falling during the hunt. Also, accidents can happen during the loading and unloading of a firearm. Sometimes, the trigger gets caught on an object.
3. Lack Of Common Sense & Preparation
Horseplay incidents, dropping a firearm from a high place, and even firearm falling from secure rest are pretty common incidents. Also, hunters tend to ride with loaded firearms, which can lead to shooting when you least want to.
4. Not Checking The Surroundings
Mistaking a person for a game or moving in the line of fire are also common incidents. Sometimes, the victim is out of sight of the shooter.
As you see, most of the hunting incidents happen because of the hunter. If you are new to hunting, make sure to follow the hunter’s safety guidelines.

- Always target what is in front of you and not beyond it.
- Every firearm should be treated with respect and always assume it is loaded.
- Don’t get too overconfident when handling a gun,
- When not in use, unload the firearms.
- Always handle ammunition and firearms carefully.
- When it comes to safety, always control your emotion and practice good judgment.
Final Thoughts
Safety is a must, and it is your responsibility as a hunter to follow the commandments of shooting safety. Now that you know what causes hunting incidents; be careful next time when you are out hunting.
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