In most situations, fish hooks will dissolve naturally in fish mouths. The time it takes for a fish hook to dissolve varies depending on the conditions and material. You can expect this to take anywhere between a couple of months to several years. The rate of decay of a fish hook that is stuck in […]
Trophy Catcher’s Tips For Bass Fishing With Nightcrawlers
Can you catch bass with nightcrawlers? Yes. In fact, you can even land a 4-pound bass on a nightcrawler if you are lucky enough. Although I prefer to use Texas Rig, feel free to try out different rigs for bass fishing. You’ll catch more fish when you fish with nightcrawlers using these tips. Live bait […]
How To Tell If There Are Fish In A Pond?
Have you ever wondered whether fish live in a particular pond? You might want to know the location of fish in a pond or a body of water you haven’t fished recently. Well, you are in the right place. You can use these tips to find the fish. If you try these tips next time, […]
Are All Freshwater Fish Edible? You Might Want To Read This Piece First
Fish makes a big part of the human food list. People around the world eat a wide variety of fish. When talking about fish as food, there are two main groups. There is the saltwater fish, and there is the freshwater fish. It is safe to say freshwater fish is more popular and more available […]
Difference Between Carp And Buffalo Fish
Have you ever caught a fish that you were sure was a carp, only to be told later that it was a buffalo fish? It is common to mistakenly consider a buffalo fish to be a carp because they are pretty close in appearance. So, how to differentiate between a carp and a buffalo fish? […]